In this update, the PDF digest app has been redesigned! It is now called "Lorebook".
It adds additional functionality to the existing PDF processing pipeline:
multi-level summarisation integrated with the latest Long-term memory update
ability to start a chat with multiple documents at once
ability to attach documents to characters to load them as background information
Full Changelog
New features:
PDF Digest has been redesigned -> it is now called Lorebook!
process documents and attach them to characters to provide background information during your chats
Added support for the open source search engine: Alexandria
improved performance of task manager when showing a large amount of pending tasks
added configuration to off-load embedding service to the CPU to save RAM
Voice chat supports third-party TTS libraries RHVoice and AcapelaTTS
added support for native phone speech-to-text
added ability to copy translated text in Offline Translator
added config to set minimum number of characters to generate before starting TTS
added button to "hold to continue speaking" in voice chat mode
improved UI of Offline Translator (show downloaded models at the top)
allow deletion of downloaded translator models
Offline Translator now remembers your last selected language
added ability to configure whether to use mmap in advanced settings
Bug fixes:
fixed bug where tasks are not deleted after deleting a Lorebook PDF
fixed bug where sometimes new messages are duplicated as they are received
fixed bug where re-entering voice chat mode from within the same chat does not start listening