Layla is now integrated with Tasker! Automate tasks with LLM.
What is Tasker?
-- From the Tasker Homepage
Basically, it allows you to create automated tasks based on triggering conditions on your device. For example, you can ask an LLM to summarise the content when a new email comes in.
Note: this requires the purchase of the Tasker app:
(Layla is not affiliate with Tasker at all, Tasker is a massively popular app for Android automation)
How to create a Layla Tasker task?
Layla provides two main tasks:
Infer: sends prompt + input to Layla, Layla creates an "inference task" which runs through the input through an LLM at a later time, and returns the output
Infer in Background: does the same thing as the above but immediately executes the inference with LLM in the background
Both these tasks take configurable inputs such as the LLM model used, system prompts, and of course the raw input. These are taken as "tasker variables" so you can easily chain these tasks with others.

The image above shows an example of how a task can be configured:
The "Variable set" action can be replaced with output obtained from other tasks. For example, if you use the AutoNotification in Tasker, you can obtain input from your notifications, which you can then use as input to the LLM
The "Create Infer Task" is the main task that Layla exposes. This takes the input from the variables set before and runs them through the LLM. An example could be having an instruction to summarise the notifications content input from before.

Layla also exposes a "Task Completed" event:

This event will be triggered whenever an inference task is ran to completion as part of Layla's background process. This allows you to "hook" into this and run further actions based on the output of the task.